Every Catholic Should Be Registered in a Parish

Beside the active support and involvement that the registration enables, the parish registration is also a mandatory condition for sacraments such as baptism and matrimony.

It is therefore important to register at your parish as soon as you start attending Mass there regularly. Here’s why:

  1. A sense of belonging and identity in a parish community.
  2. It is a commitment to practice your faith.
  3. Registration enables the parish pastor and staff to get to know you better, to welcome you and to minister to you. This is especially important during a time of crisis so that the pastoral staff can attend to your spiritual needs and the needs of your family.
  4. Registration helps you stay connected with your parish and helps your parish stay connected with you. Providing your contact information is important so that parishes provide you timely updates via email, direct mail, phone, etc. Also, if you use offertory envelopes or online giving, you will also receive a year-end statement of your donations for income tax purposes. Once you are registered, please notify the parish office of any changes in address or phone number.
  5. You may receive verification letters to sponsor individuals for sacraments, receive sacraments yourself or your child (i.e. baptism, confirmation, matrimony)
  6. The parish will know the demographics and respond to needs. Census numbers may determine how many priests are assigned to a parish and how many Masses and enrichment programs are planned and scheduled.

You can register below online or click here to print out a registration or ask an usher for one. We look forward to meeting you.

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