Ministry Contact

Mission: The mission of St. Mary Altar Servers is to minister at God’s altar with reverence, fidelity, and love. Altar Servers prepare the credence

table and sanctuary for Mass, and assist during the celebration of Mass. They also serve at Weddings, First Communion, Confirmation, and other

special celebrations in the life of the Church. These include Holy Days, Holy Week, Christmas, and Easter. The presence of these young people at

the altar is an important witness, reminding us that Catholics of every age have gifts to offer and a role in ministry. Any St. Mary youth

currently in the 4th Grade and up may enter training to become an Altar Server. Prospective servers must have received the Sacraments of

Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation; and participating in ongoing religious education. Contact Jeanne at the above email link if interested.

Reference: Altar Servers Manual

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