The Rule of St. Benedict
Lenten Class with Fr. Jonathan
What is The Rule of St. Benedict? The rule was written by the Father of Western Monasticism, St. Benedict Nursia (c. 480-547), in an effort to provide guidance for his monks on how to live in community. Why should I be interested in this rule if I am not a monk? In the Preface of RB 1980 (The Rule of St. Benedict) Fr. Timothy Fry, O.S.B., writes: “St. Benedict’s times were as turbulent as our own, though for very different reasons. He wrote his Rule primarily for monks, but its sound principles for working together and living together have proved relevant to people of all classes of society through fifteen hundred years.”
Location: Church
Times: Mondays at 10:00 am or Wednesdays at 6:00 pm (classes will be the same for both days each week)
Length: 50-60 minutes, each will be followed by an opportunity (not mandatory) for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession.