For information on grades 6-12 or Confirmation, please contact Joan Rini or call (813)961-1061 ext 306. 

EDGE: This is a new youth group for our middle school kids, 6-8th grade on Wednesdays from 6-7 in the Parish Center and they will play games, learn about the faith, and have time for small group sharing and prayer.  Contact Joan Rini at 961-1061 ext. 306 or just stop by on Wednesday night! Bring a friend along! Looking forward to seeing you!!

LIFETEEN: This is a new youth group for all high school aged kids, whether confirmed or not! We will play games, learn about the faith, and have time for small groups and prayer. We meet on Wednesdays from 6 – 7:15 in the Youth Ministry Room. If you are interested, please contact Joan Rini, , at 961-1061 ext. 306 or just stop by on a Wednesday night! Don’t want to come alone? Bring a friend along! Looking forward to seeing you!! 

SACRAMENT PREPARATION:  Confirmation is to help the youth participate in deepening a personal relationship with God, to develop sense of belonging in a living Christian community.  Preparations for Confirmation require two consecutive years of our Parish Program or a Catholic School program plus a Confirmation program.  Any youth in eighth grade and above are eligible to prepare for the Sacrament.  For more information, please contact Joan Rini at 813-961-1061 ext. 306.

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