Stewardship is…
- saying YES to God and to a way of life He has spelled out for us in the Bible. In doing this, we are asked to say NO to the influences in our society that emphasize values and aims that are selfish, thoughtless and opposed to stewardship as a way of life.
- a true step in faith – RECEIVING God’s gifts gratefully, CULTIVATING them responsibly, SHARING them lovingly, and RETURNING them with increase to the Lord.
- TAKING ACTION and returning a portion of what has been shared with us.
- an important part of LIVING A CHRISTIAN LIFE.
- serious CHALLENGE with the current emphasis on materialism, the “me” generation, taking care of ourselves before others, and general acceptance of our focus on our wants.
- a gradual CONVERSION which involves the heart, mind, spirit, values, spending habits and time commitments.
The new Catholic Ministry Appeal is simpler, more transparent, and it allows you to know exactly where your gifts are going so you can give with confidence. Our goal for this year is to raise $7.1 million, and with this change, every dollar donated toward our goal directly funds our ministries, outreach, and programs.

And, it is important to note that all of the ministries included in this appeal have a direct tie to our call to be missionary disciples, bringing others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Please click below to learn more about the Catholic Ministry Appeal.

Click St. Mary logo for Online giving for Offertory, Education and Evangelization, St. Vincent de Paul, Santa Maria Mission, Maintenance Fund

Click on Online Giving icon for the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) and St. Mary Renovation Debt Reduction